Saturday 22 March 2014

The lynx

The Lynx... is IT!

The Lynx derives from the indo-european word leuk, meaning 'light brightness' in reference to their reflective eyes that appear luminescent...

They are known for their short tails, pointed ears and hair under the chin that resembles a bow tie. They grow to 28 inches to the shoulder and up to 51 inches long. The adapt rapidly, if a Lynx moves to a colder, snowy environment, its hair will grow lighter, for camouflage. It's paws will grow and spread out and can get bigger than a human foot, to deal with the snow.

The Eurasian lynx

The biggest of the four lynx species. Native to Europe and Siberian forest, it ranges all the way from Russia to central Asia. It only eats meat being carnivorous and needs to eat 1-2kg a day. It favors Roe deer but is an opportunistic hunter and will eat any prey.
Their coat has a brief period of reddish brown which is replaced by a much thicker grey-brown coat at winter.
It is the third largest carnivore in Europe after the brown bear and the grey wolf.

The Canada Lynx

The Canada lynx as the name suggest can be found in Canada and some parts of Alaska.

Its a good climber and swimmer. it makes its shelter out of rock ledges and broken trees. It has large paws that allow it to spread its weight ion the snow, twice as effective as the bob cat.
97% of the lynx's diet is made up of snowshoe hairs, although will hunter other small prey if it has to.

Iberian lynx

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